Congratulations on taking the first step in what will prove to be an enlightening, rewarding and empowering experience for you.
WSLSC Bronze Medallion Training Courses 24/25 season
Registrations: CLOSED
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge# of basic patrolling and surf awareness in order to be able to participate in lifesaving operations. This is the core award to be a surf lifesaver in Australia.

To undertake this award you must be be:
- at least 15 years of age on the date of final assessment.
- complete an unaided swim (goggles/masks permitted) of 400 metre swim in nine (9) minutes or less, in a swimming pool of not less than 25 metres, or over a measured open water course which will be observed prior to the candidate undertaking any water training or assessment activities, evidence of which must be provided to the Assessor on the appropriate form prior to commencement of the assessment for this qualification.
Once this competency is completed, qualified instructors will take you through the challenging but immensely satisfying journey that is the Bronze Medallion which includes the following units of competency:
1. PUAOPE013 Operate communications systems and equipment
2. PUASAR012 Apply surf awareness and self-rescue skills
3. PUASAR013 Participate in an aquatic rescue operation
4. HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support
5. PUACOM001 Communicate in the workplace
6. PUATEA001 Work in a team
7. PUATEA004 Work effectively in a public safety organisation
8. PUAWHS001 Follow defined work health & safety policies & procedures
Following the training period, your competency will be tested through a variety of physical and theoretical tests, one of which is the classic 200m run- – 200m swim- 200m in under 8 minutes. Other areas of assessment include a range of other activities such as, board rescues, tube rescues, resuscitation , scenarios in first aid and beach management. It’s a great opportunity for you to push yourself out of your comfort zone, learn to perform under pressure and have some fun with a group of like-minded people.
For more information about SLS Courses, you can visit the SLSNSW Education Pathways Website .
Please check the Club Calendar for up coming course dates. Search by Category ‘Education’.