2024/2025 Season
How do I register my child/ren in Nippers? What does it cost?
Visit the clubs website www.warriewoodslsc.com.au. Click on Membership fees.
One parent MUST be a registered member with their nipper age child/ren.
What age group will my child be in?
Age Groups are determined as at midnight 30th September 2024. Please see below for a breakdown of which age group your child will be registered to. You can register a child for Nippers if they turn 5 by 30 September 2024.
Review your age group HERE.

Can my child be grouped with his friends who are older/younger?
Participation outside a child’s age group is discouraged. As it is against SLSA regulations, may affect the Nipper program being taught and makes point scoring difficult for both the child and the age group. Nippers is a good opportunity to make new friendships and develop both individual and group skills. A written request may be sent to the Nipper Committee for consideration. But awards and trophies cannot be granted to any child/ren who compete outside their correct age groups. Please note that children who start Nippers early, may need to repeat the U6 program the following season.
What is the Nipper wet weather policy?
Nippers and related training activities will still go ahead in wet and inclement weather. However, it will be cancelled in the event of thunder and/or lightning storms. Groups can work on the sand or indoors on activities such as lifesaving skills, first aid, signals and other patrol related activities.
Is there a Surf Club uniform?
It is compulsory for any child entering the water MUST wear the clubs hi-viz pink vest and a hi-viz Nipper age group cap – no exceptions. These items and Warriewood swimmers & merchandise are available for purchase from the uniform shop at the clubs Open Day and on the first few weeks of Nippers. All Members to be sun-smart whilst at the beach.
Does my child have to swim?
With the main focus being surf skills and learning, each child is expected to swim and be capable of swimming a specific distance in a specific time at each age level. We call this a proficiency swim. However, some Nippers prefer just to participate on the sand in the sand based events, which is at the Nippers discretion. The aim is to have fun and be safe.
Can I swim with my kids?
SLS has a strict policy that only proficient SRC and Bronze Medallion holders may swim with Nippers. The Club adheres to a strict Water Safety policy and implements a Water Safety : Nipper ratio depending on each water based activity, i.e. ocean swim and boards, and the surf conditions at the time. We encourage parents, grandparents and carers to do the Bronze Medallion course to benefit from participating with their child/ren and further support our Club.
What are Nipper carnivals and do we have to go?
Carnivals are competition-based events where Nippers 8+yrs compete against the other Northern Beaches clubs in age and event specific competition. It is a fantastic opportunity for child/ren to compete in both individual and team events. While we encourage attendance, it is not compulsory, and the Nippers program will still continue at the beach with beach activities and surf sports dependant on the number of Water Safety on hand. Opportunity to advance through to Branch, State and National level competition is also available.
Can I use the Club’s gym?
The Gym is for the use of Active Patrolling members only.
Who can I speak to about … feedback, suggestions or complaints?
If you have some feedback, suggestions or a complaint regarding any of the programs provided by Warriewood SLSC; if you experience or witness any form of inappropriate behaviour, then please report these matters to the clubs Nipper President or the Member Protection Information Officer. The Club will seek to resolve the matter or concerns in accordance with the Club, Life Saving NSW and SLSA policies.
What happens if I get injured?
If you get injured in a Club related event, i.e. during patrol, training or Nippers, you should advise the Club immediately. You will initially need to fill out an incident report, in the logbook located in the patrol tent/club house. Next you may need to call the Club Captain or office so that you may access the following documents: